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审计意见的类型有哪些? 临沂注册公司费用

51税知网2年前 (2022-11-01)知识库59


According to the regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission, audit opinions are divided into unqualified opinions, unqualified opinions with explanatory notes, qualified opinions, unqualified opinions and negative opinions. Among them, the last four audit opinions belong to non-standard audit opinions. From the perspective of the degree of assurance of accountants, the order from high to low is as follows:


First, there are no reservations. The highest degree of assurance indicates that the accountants believe that the financial statements have been prepared and fairly reflected in all material respects in accordance with the applicable financial reporting basis. The audit opinions on the financial statements of most companies are unqualified opinions.


The second is the unqualified opinions with explanatory notes. It is an unqualified opinion, but there are some matters that need to be explained, such as the material uncertainty of going concern or other information without correction of material misstatement.



Third, reservation. It means that the accountant believes that the misstatement individually or collectively has a significant impact on the financial statements, but it is not widespread, or the accountant is unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to form the basis of the audit opinion, and the undiscovered misstatement (if any) has a significant impact on the financial statements, but it does not have universality.


Fourth, it is impossible to express opinions. It means that accountants cannot obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as the basis for forming audit opinions, but believes that the undiscovered misstatement (if any) may have a significant and extensive impact on the financial statements.


Fifth, negative opinions. It means that accountants believe that the effect of misstatement on the financial statements individually or collectively is significant and extensive.


After the disclosure of the annual report, the number of non-standard audit opinions issued on the financial statements of listed companies has reached a new high in recent years. In addition, the listing of * ST olefin was terminated due to the inability to express audit opinions. Investors pay close attention to the connotation of audit opinions and their impact on listed companies.


What are audit opinions on financial statements


As one of the most important information disclosure documents of listed companies, financial statements reflect the company's financial status, operating results and cash flow in a certain period of time. They are the key basis for investors to understand the company's profitability, operation ability, solvency and growth ability, and play an important role in investors' decision-making. Then, how to ensure the reliability and fairness of financial information disclosed by listed companies? At this time, we need to rely on independent third-party institutions with professional qualifications, that is, accounting firms.


According to the stock listing rules, the financial report in the annual report of listed companies must be audited by an accounting firm with the qualification to engage in Securities and futures business. According to the provisions of auditing standards and on the basis of audit work, accountants form audit opinions on whether the financial statements are prepared and fairly reflected in all material aspects in accordance with the applicable provisions of the preparation basis of financial reports. In short, audit opinions reflect the fairness and reliability of financial statements to a certain extent.






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